TANI, Shinji (College of Comprehensive Psychology/Professor)
We provide the services for the people with handicaps and their family. The services include training of language skills, self-care skills and social skills. In the social skill training being provided, some ideas come from cognitive behavior therapy are applied to. The services provided for the parents are how to teach their children and how to work together with teachers. We also start the mental health support programs for the parents having handicapped children.
Our research aim is to enhance the QOL of child with handicap while enhancing the QOL of their parents.
Education and Professional Career
Oosaka Kyoiku University, Department of Handicapped Education, 1977-1982, Special Education, B.A. in Special Education Oosaka Kyoiku University, Department of Special Education (Master course) 1982-1984 Special Education, M.A. in Special Education University of Tsukuba,1998 Ph.D. in Disability Sciences
Field of Specialization, Area of Research
Applied Behavior Analysis, The Comprehensive support for the people with handicap and their family, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Research Achievements
Academic papers
A parent having a child with disability-Case report of ACT practice- TANI Shinji & KITAMURA Kotomi The Japanese Journal of Autistic Spectrum, Practice and linical Reports 10/ 4, 5-13 03/2013 Mwntal Support for the Parent of Children with Developmental Disorders: The Efficacy of the ACT Workshop SUGANO Akiko and TANI Shinji Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences 26, 9-20 03/2013
Case Presentation:A parent of a child with disabilities ACBS Anual World Conference X, Washington, D.C. 07/22/2012 The Intraverbal Behaviors in Children with Autism ACT Japan Annual Meeting 2012. International IRAP/RFT meeting in Kyoto 03/14/2012 ACT Workshop for Parents of Children with PDD ACBS world Conference IX 07/12/2011