Update: Research HighlightsNAKAJIMA, M.“A Watershed in Prisoner Treatment “(Published: 2020-01-20)
Update: Research Highlights OKAMOTO, N.“Record making in the context of interpersonal relationships “(Published: 2020-01-16)
Update: Research HighlightsSENOO, A.“My worries when I ask people their life – A note on the nature of the interviewer“(Published: 2019-09-30)
Update: Research HighlightsYAMASAKI, Y.“Criminal investigation TV programs and forensic science/forensic psychology“(Published: 2019-08-27)
Update: Research Highlights KANZAKI, M.“The task of creating ibasho at schools“(Published: 2019-06-28)
Update: Research HighlightsYAMADA, S.“Lawyer’s Attendance at Suspect Interrogations”(Published: 2019-06-07)
Update: Research Highlights KIM, S.“Thinking about new forms of the family: from the perspective of the laws governing parent-child relationships in the Netherlands”(Published: 2019-04-01)
Update: Research HighlightsMURAKAMI, T.“The marvel of visual space: the somatic sensation that support visual perception”(Published: 2019-03-31)
Update: Research Highlights HIROSE, S.“Children’s self-expression that begins with ‘Look!’”(Published: 2019-02-01)
Update: Research HighlightsKANZAKI, M.“Community schools and ibasho at schools”“(Published: 2019-01-10)
Research Highlights
A Watershed in Prisoner Treatment
In the 1970s Kinko Satō, a researcher at the Research and Training institute of the Ministry of Justice, reviewed Peter G. Garabedian’s “Challenges for Contemporary Corrections” (Federal Probation Vol. 33 No.1, 1969) and published a critical appraisal in the journal Keisei regarding the shortcomings of “professionalism” and “the doctrine of the necessity of offender ‘...