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Research Highlights
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyThe potential of “knotworking” for an inclusive societyINABA, Mitsuyuki(College of Policy Science, Professor)
- Various forms of applied social psychologyWays of Addressing Disease – A Medical Anthropological Perspective on the Treatment of Cancer Patients in South KoreaSAWANO, Michiko (OIC Research Organization, Senior Researcher)
- Experimental research on career-supportAiming to Expand “supported ‘dekiru'” for Students with Disabilities through a Career Support ProjectTSUCHIDA, Naho (College of Comprehensive Psychology, Assistant)
- The restorative justice toward the era of decreasing birthrate and aging populationNew and Old Debates over Models of Offender Treatment: From the Medical Model versus the Justice Model to the RNR Model versus the GL Model AIZAWA, Ikuo (Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Senior Researcher)
- The restorative justice toward the era of decreasing birthrate and aging populationFalse Confession and Wrong ConvictionYAMADA, Saki (Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Researcher)
- Constructing Trans-disciplinary Human Science for Evidence-Based Human ServiceThe diversity of the effects of parental expectations: Applying the Trajectory Equifinality Approach (TEA) KASUGA, Hideaki (College of Letters, Assistant)
- The restorative justice toward the era of decreasing birthrate and aging populationSupport and Promotion of Resolution through Parental Consensus in Divorce by Mutual Agreement: Post-divorce Child WelfareKIM Sungeun (Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization, Senior Researcher)
- Contemporary History of Inclusive EducationThe Ars Vivendi Project – Toward a World Living Together with Disability, Aging, Illness, and DifferenceTATEIWA, Shinya (Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences Professor)
- The project of general support for youth affairsBasic Research Concerning Youth Social Work Theory Construction: Looking for a Philosophy of Ethics Construction in Living Support in the Area Where There Have Been Incidents of Students Murdering ClassmatesYAMAMOTO, Kohei (College of Social Sciences, Professor)
- A reconstruction of the theory of damages on civil liability from aspects of law and psychologyA Legal-psychological Restructuring of Damages Theory in Civil Liability – Toward Juridical Clinical Support for Diverse Damage RecoveryMATSUMOTO, Katsumi (School of Law, Professor)
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyThinking about Color Perception DeficiencyTOKUNAGA, Rumi (Chiba University)
- Psychological Research Project for Establishment of Employment and Independence Support for Unemployed PeopleForum Theater at Employment Independence Support CentersKOGA, Yayoi (Kwassui Women's University)
FUJIMOTO, Manabu (Institute for Teaching and Learning)
- Studies in cognitive bases to construct productive environmentWhen Good Ideas Come to Us, and When They Do NotHATTORI, Masasi (College of Letters, Professor)
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyStress Experienced by Parents of Children with Autism: The case of the United StatesNoriko Porter (Visiting Researcher, Institute of Human Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyThe Power to Continue Activities of the Elderly People's Support TeamKITAHARA Yasuko (Professor of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University / Visiting Researcher of Institute of Human Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyFundamental Research on Inclusion/Exclusion and Developments Surrounding Minorities and People with DisabilitiesWATANABE, Katsunori (Kinugasa Research Organization, Eminent Associate Professor)
- Project of Basic research on Youth Social Work The Study of Social Work Targeting Young People: The Development of Agents Who Confront “Normal” Social OrderYAMAMOTO, Kohei (College of Social Sciences, Professor)
- Reconstruction of the history of law and psychology research as applied psychologyReconstruction of the History of Law and Psychology Research as Applied PsychologyWAKABAYASHI, Kosuke (College of Letters, Professor)
- Multidisciplinary collaboration Supports for low birth weight infantsPremature Infant Healthcare in Pre-war and Wartime Japan: Who is Responsible for Saving the Lives of Premature Infants?YUI, Hideki (Kinugasa Research Organization Post-Doctoral Fellow)
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyDefining Something as a Social Problem – “The Problem of Seeing Something as a Problem”NAKAMURA, Tadashi (College of Social Sciences, Professor)
- Methods of Linking Evidence and PracticeSeeking a Philosophical Foundation for Human Sciences ResearchMATSUDA, Ryozo (College of Social Sciences Professor)
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyOn the Fundamental Role of Ethics and PsychologyKOIZUMI, Yoshiyuki (Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Professor)
- The Utility of Narrative Archives as Social SupportWhat Engenders an Organic Linking of Information? Report on Our Participation in the “3rd International Seminar of Cultural Psychology”FUKUDA, Mari (Kinugasa Research Organization Post-Doctoral Fellow)
- Biodemography ProjectBiodemography of Infertility: Designing and Conducting an Internet SurveyTAMAKI, Emi (College of Social Sciences Associate Professor (jokyo)),
KONISHI, Shoko (University of Tokyo, School of Medicine, Assistant Professor)
- Translational Studies for Inclusive SocietyThe Diversity and Regularity of DevelopmentTAKEUCHI, Yoshiaki (College of Social Sciences, Professor)