HATTORI, Masasi (College of Comprehensive Psychology/Professor)
Education and Professional Career
Education − Ph.D. in Human Sciences (Concentration in Psychology), Hokkaido University, Japan, June 28, 2002. − M.A. in Behavioral Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan, March 25, 1992. − B.A. in Human Sciences (Concentration in Psychology), Hokkaido University, Japan, March 24, 1990. Academic Appointments − 2008–present Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Ritsumeikan University. − 1997–2007 Associate Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Ritsumeikan University. Other Positions − 2014 Visiting Scholar, École Pratique des Hautes Étude, Paris, France. − 2010–2011 Visiting Scholar, Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, & Psychological Sciences, Brown University, USA. − 2003–2004 Visiting Scholar, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.
Field of Specialization, Area of Research
Cognitive Psychology of Thinking
Research Achievements
Academic papers
Hattori, M., Sloman, S. A., & Orita, R. (2013). Effects of subliminal hints on insight problem solving. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20(4), 790–797. doi: 10.3758/s13423-013-0389-0 Hattori, M., & Nishida, Y. (2009). Why does the base rate appear to be ignored? The equiprobability hypothesis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16(6), 1065–1070. doi: 10.3758/PBR.16.6.1065 Hattori, M., & Oaksford, M. (2007). Adaptive non-interventional heuristics for covariation detection in causal induction: Model comparison and rational analysis. Cognitive Science, 31(5), 765–814. doi: 10.1080/03640210701530755 Hattori, M. (2002). A quantitative model of optimal data selection in Wason’s selection task. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A, 55(4), 1241–1272. doi: 10.1080/02724980244000053
Hattori, M. (2014). Probabilistic representation in syllogistic reasoning. Reasoning, Cognition and Life: A Conference in Honour of Professor Ken Manktelow. University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK. Hattori, M. (2014). Subliminal problem solving: Dual process of cognition and their interaction. The 2nd New Paradigm Psychology of Reasoning Conference. École Pratique des Hautes Étude, Paris, France. Hattori, M. (2014). Probabilistic representation in syllogistic reasoning and the effects of content and figures. The 8th London Reasoning Workshop. Birkbeck College, University of London, UK. Hattori, I., Hattori, M., Takahashi, T., & Over, D. (2014). The impact of non-occurrent events in causal induction: AB frames. Reasoning, Cognition and Life: A Conference in Honour of Professor Ken Manktelow. University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK. Orita, R., & Hattori, M. (2014). Effects of a mood and an unrecognized hint on insight problem solving. The 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Quebec City, Canada. Orita, R., & Hattori, M. (2013). Unrecognized hints facilitate insight problem solving performance under dual task load. The 9th International Conference on Cognitive Science. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Jo, I., & Hattori, M. (2013). The brand can interfere with retrospective interpretations: Effects of labels and conceptual information on preference. The 11th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Psychology. International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba, Japan. Hattori, M., Hattori, I, & Yama, H. (2012). Projecting a symposium: “Beyond truth and falsity (2): The void value in causal inferences and abduction.” The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, Japan. Hattori, M., & Orita, R. (2012). Effects of subliminal priming on insight problem solving. The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, Japan. Hattori, M., Sloman, S. A., & Orita, R. (2012). Effects of unrecognized hints and metacognitive control in insight problem solving. The 30th International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa. Hattori, I., Hattori, M, & Yama, H. (2012). Projecting a symposium: “Beyond truth and falsity (1): The new paradigm psychology of reasoning.” The 76th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, Japan.