User Empowerment in Health and Welfare Services
leader: MATSUDA, Ryozo (College of Social Sciences Professor) term: 2010/03 - 2016/03
Project members
- MATSUDA, Ryozo (Professor, College of Social Sciences)
- TAKAYAMA, Kazuo (Visiting Researcher, Kyoto Tachibana University)
- MATSUSHIMA, Kyoto (Visiting Scholar)
- MUNESUE, Tokuko (Visiting Scholar)
- FUKUDA, Mari (Kinugasa Research Organization, Senior Researcher)
- Munesue, T. (2010) Cancer control in Japan: A critical appraisal from the Right to Health perspective. Collected Papers from Human Services Research, pp.147-162.
Grants and Supports
“Narrative-based Practices and Policy-making: An Action Research for Inclusive Health Care”, supported by the JSPS (2013-2014, No.:25590148, PI.: Ryozo Matsuda) "A Comprehensive and Proactive Simulation of an Inclusive Community" supported by the MEXT (2011-2012) “Development of Inclusive Health Care in Countries”, supported by the Institute of Nonprofit Healthcare Cooperation(2013-14, PI.: Kazuo Takayama)